Join Goldie’s Act Week of Action to Prevent Puppy Mill Cruelty!

Big news: there is an opportunity to pass groundbreaking federal legislation to protect dogs in puppy mills—and YOU can play a critical role in making that happen!
Goldie’s Act (H.R. 1788) is a federal bill named in honor of Goldie, a Golden Retriever who suffered without adequate fresh food, water or veterinary care in an Iowa puppy mill that was licensed and overseen by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). She lived and died in a dirty cage, never having experienced human kindness. Though her death could have been prevented, the USDA—the agency required to enforce the federal law that protects animals in puppy mills—turned a blind eye, even after witnessing her suffering.
Sadly, Goldie’s story is not unique. Dogs in American puppy mills continue to live and die in horrific conditions under the USDA’s watch.
Join us July 17-21, 2023, and call on Congress to pass Goldie’s Act, a bill that would require the USDA to uphold its duty to protect the thousands of dogs and puppies still living in cruel puppy mills. Help pass Goldie’s Act by taking one quick and easy action each day this week—we can make the greatest impact by working together.
Monday, Action #1—Join Our Puppy Mill Action Team
Dogs in puppy mills are abused, scared and neglected. Demand change! Join our Puppy Mill Action Team to receive special alerts, get the latest news and learn what you can do to help end the puppy mill industry.
Tuesday, Action #2—Call Your U.S. Representative
Call your member of the U.S. House of Representatives and ask them to support Goldie’s Act. Don’t be intimidated—this easy, one-minute call will make a big impression. Call (202) 224-3121 and ask to speak to your House representative. Provide your home address and a switchboard operator will transfer you to your representative’s office. Once connected to your representative’s office, simply say:
“Hello, my name is ____ and I’m a constituent living in [your city]. I’m calling to urge the representative to support Goldie’s Act, H.R. 1788, and include it in the 2023 Farm Bill. Thank you."
Wednesday, Action #3—Submit a Letter to the Editor
Getting a short, 250-word letter to the editor published in your local newspaper is a great way to get your legislators’ attention and raise awareness about puppy mill cruelty! Use our Goldie’s Act Letter to the Editor Toolkit for writing tips, sample messages and more.
Thursday, Action #4—Email Your Lawmakers
Email your members of Congress to urge them to cosponsor and pass Goldie’s Act. Our easy online form will deliver your message straight to them. After filling out our form, email the webpage to 10 friends or family members!
Friday, Action #5—Spread the Word
Share the graphics below on social media. Caption your post asking your friends and family to support Goldie’s Act, and don’t forget the hashtag #GoldiesAct and the link aspca.org/goldiesact.
Thank you for taking action to protect puppy mill victims! Together, we can get Goldie’s Act passed so no more dogs suffer Goldie’s fate.