New York City Introduces Bill to Support Good Food Sourcing

On June 16, 2022, the New York City Council introduced new legislation Intro. 517 to implement the Good Food Purchasing Program (GFPP). The GFPP is a values-based procurement program that gives public institutions like schools and municipal governments the tools they need to source food that supports key value categories: animal welfare, nutrition, local economies, valued workforce and environmental sustainability. The ASPCA helped to craft GFPP’s animal welfare requirements and supports adoption and implementation of the program across the country, including in other major cities like Los Angeles and Chicago.
GFPP food sourcing standards aim to improve the lives of farmed animals by requiring participating institutions to source a percentage of their meat, dairy and egg products from certified higher-welfare farms and/or reduce their total consumption of animal products by incorporating more plant-based alternatives. The most effective institutions generally combine these strategies, using cost-savings from reduction efforts to support higher-welfare sourcing, positively impacting even more animals by sparing them from suffering on cruel factory farms.
As a provider of nearly 240 million meals each year in its public schools alone, New York City’s purchasing power makes it uniquely positioned to effect huge change in the regional food system. Today’s introduction of Intro. 517 mirrors broader state-wide efforts to pass the Good Food NY Bill and make it easier for institutions in the state to source from farmers and producers that meet New Yorker’s shared values.
The ASPCA is proud to support both efforts, and we look forward to working with the city council to add New York City to the growing list of locations leading the way in building a more humane, sustainable and fair food system.