Playful Amelia Is Sure to Amaze You!

Though Amelia does not know how to fly, she’ll still make a smooth landing into your heart!
Cute, social Amelia is looking for a new home in the tri-state area to call her own. She’s been sweet and playful for as long as we’ve known her! Amelia is a cat who is comfortable in her own fur and knows what she wants out of life—your attention (on her terms) and a wand toy to chase. She likes to check on your work whenever the laptop comes out, and after a long day of catnaps and play, she can be found touching down at the foot of the bed for a long snooze.

Amelia is most at ease when people take a slow approach with her and avoid forced interactions. She would do best with a patient adopter who is willing to let her do her own thing and adjust at her own pace. She likes to approach her human friends when she is feeling up to socializing. A Matchmaker can help you set Amelia up for success in the home and also discuss her specific medical needs with you.
Ready to spread your wings with Amelia? If you’re in the tri-state area, get on board and visit her profile to submit an application!