Be a Life RAFT for Animals: Join the ASPCA Regional Advocacy Field Team!
The ASPCA Regional Advocacy Field Team (RAFT) provides a unique opportunity for animal advocates to take action in their communities by supporting the passage of effective animal protection laws.
RAFT volunteers work closely with the ASPCA’s Legislative Engagement team and fellow volunteers across the nation to help pass priority legislation through grassroots advocacy. Tasks may include:
- Organizing and participating in phone banking efforts
- Drafting and submitting letters to the editors of your local papers
- Attending and helping to organize advocacy events
- Driving social media advocacy campaigns
- Supporting ballot measure work
- Sending personal letters to your lawmakers
RAFT volunteers participate in educational webinar trainings and lobby their lawmakers as well as work closely with us to help plan events, connect local volunteers, organize advocacy efforts and promote social media campaigns!
RAFT volunteers can be based anywhere in the country, and volunteer activities can be carried out from home and within your community. The ASPCA will update you about upcoming projects and keep you informed about volunteer activities in your community. We will also connect you with other nearby animal advocates looking to volunteer.
Due to the pace of the legislative process, we ask for a minimum commitment of six months. Applications are processed on a rolling basis. If you have any questions, please email us.
Excited to get started? Please carefully read our volunteer description here and then fill out the form below to apply.