Decode Food Labels

Learn about the common labels and claims on meat, egg and dairy food packages to make the most informed decisions every time you shop.

Find More Humane Food

Find plant-based and welfare-certified brands online and at supermarkets across the country.
Locate a nearby farm that is welfare-certified.

More Tools

Use our interactive scorecard to see how the 20 largest U.S. supermarket chains rank on three core farm animal welfare issues.
See the pet food companies that have worked with the ASPCA and committed to implementing industry-leading policies to source more humane products.
Download this free web extension that identifies if a food brand is animal welfare-certified or plant-based when shopping online on Amazon® and Whole Foods Market®.
Watch our video and find questions to ask at your local farmers' market.
Interested in incorporating more plant-based foods into your diet? Learn about how eating plant-based foods can make a major difference for farm animals, the environment and your own health.